Human-AI Collaboration - Impact of Dynamics of Access and Usage

Supervisors: Simon Ruffieux, Denis Lalanne

Contact person: Simon Ruffieux

Student: Looking for student

Project status: Open

Year: 2025

Human-AI collaboration and generative AI are becoming increasingly accessible and integrated into our personal and professional lives. However, limited research has examined the impact of how we interact with these technologies, particularly in relation to the dynamics of access and usage. For example, do groups collaborating through a single AI-powered device achieve superior outcomes compared to individuals using AI independently? How do these different approaches influence creativity, decision-making, and efficiency across various contexts?

The student will investigate the concept of individual versus group use of AI, analyzing existing literature to identify the potential benefits, challenges, and implications of these modes of interaction. This review will include an evaluation of current studies, theoretical frameworks, and research gaps.

Building on these findings, the student will design and conduct an experiment to explore the impact of access and usage dynamics in a specific context. The analysis of the results should provide insights into how these dynamics shape the effectiveness of generative AI and its integration into collaborative settings.

Keywords: generative AI, human-computer interaction, user study.

Document: Not yet available