Comparison in UX between a virtual reality readaptation task with and without the addition of haptic on an activity of daily living for visual impaired people

Supervisors: Denis Lalanne, Simon Ruffieux, Yong Joon Thoo

Contact person: Simon Ruffieux

Student: Kimmy Costa

Project status: On-going

Year: 2023

Scientists and experts are looking everyday for new ways to help out the visual impaired people in their readaptation and in their daily life. While currently readaptation is generally done with the use of a paper and a pen, a few studies are leaning towards more technological ways to train the patients with one of them being virtual reality. Some works have already proven the usefulness of those devices for assistance as well as for some orientation and mobility readaptation tasks. In recent studies, they even explored the use of an extra sense that hasn’t been often included in virtual reality applications in general: the haptic. However, almost none of the existing studies are involving a readaptation task for an activity of daily living in virtual reality, even less with haptic included. Thus, the reason of this work focus is to dig into that topic and try to understand the haptic’s additional value on a virtual reality readaptation task focused on an activity of daily living for visual impaired people. This work will regroup two main points that haven’t been looked into in the current state of the art: a readaptation task with haptic and virtual reality for visual impaired people and a readaptation task focused on an activity of daily living. It will assess the comparison between the same task with and without haptic on its presence and engagement as well as its immersion and the potential benefits as a readaptation tool.

Keywords: augmented reality, people with visual impairment, rehabilitation, haptics, gamification.
